Sandcontrol Office is a synthetically software system platform that is consisted of Lithomechanics and crustal stress, well system sand out prediction, sand control program evaluation and optimization, sand control design optimization, sand controlled well production prediction, sand control methods effectiveness evaluation, horizontal/high inclination well sand control, calculation tool kit and sand control database information system. The software obtains the work of oil/gas well sand control including management, calculation analysis, evaluation, designing, office automation and so on. It covers the whole procedure of sand control technology, and provides sand control engineers with an intact software platform.
▋▎Introcuction |
Sandcontrol Office would raise synthetical sand control solutions for sanding single well, sanding zone, sanding block and sanding reservoir in loose sand condition. On the base of basic theory and method study, Sandcontrol Office constantly does adjustment and promotion. In the future, it would become the leader of international sandcontrol completion software platform, and supply simple and easy integrated sandcontrol completion process resolvent for working site in oil/gas field. Sandcontrol Office cover Loose sandstone, Hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoir, Coalbed methane, Natual gas hydrate, Underground gas storage (UGGS).
▋▎Moudules |
Sandcontrol Office software is consisted of many modules, including formation lithomechanics parameter acquirement, reservoir crustal stress prediction, oil/gas well system sand out anticipation, sandcontrol program evaluation and optimization, sandcontrol program parameter optimizing design and modeling, horizontal well gravel fillup visualization modeling and design, sand controlled well production prediction, sandcontrol methods effectiveness evaluation, oil/gas well sandcontrol calculation tool kit, online file system of sand control database information system.
▋▎-Characteristics |
■ Applicable to oil well, gas well, vertical well and horizontal well.
■ Covering all kind of sand control method concerning mechanical, chemical, gravel-packing and frac-pack, etc.
■ Convenient operation style and interface
■ Combined with Ms Office to export result data table and graph
■ With plenty of personalized function to customize options and settings
■ Flexible using mode
■ Good data check and fault-tolerant ability
■ Convenient result feedback and correction system
■ Local and remote server database for selection any time
■ Provide custermized secondary development of software
■ Particular technology support and update web site
■ Systematic technical documents and help text